GHBA Members Join Faith and Housing Leaders at Inaugural Summit on Affordable Housing

Morgan PetersCommunity Connection

GHBA members Sharone and Ashley Mayberry of Mayberry Homes, Vanessa Cole of Cole Klein Builders and several other banking, real estate and associate members joined fellow housing and community leaders at Houston City Council Member Tiffany Thomas’s (District F) Inaugural Faith and Affordable Housing Summit on Saturday, October 12. 

Faith institutions have a long history of serving less fortunate communities on a variety of issues, and with access to affordable housing becoming more challenging in Houston, especially for diverse communities, faith communities are being asked to take the lead in providing solutions. 

Council Member Thomas is hyper-aware of the housing affordability issue both nationally and locally here in Houston and plans to proactively increase housing inventory by expanding partnerships to create more housing opportunities for the average resident. 


From Thomas’s perspective, religious institutions are key, as they are the largest landowners in our community and across the country. To address this need, Council Member Thomas developed a program called “Yes in God’s Backyard,” which brings together faith leaders and housing professionals to explore innovative uses for church-owned land to address local housing needs. 

We thank Council Member Thomas for addressing the affordable housing issue in Houston and for inviting us to be a part of the Faith and Affordable Housing Summit. Special thanks goes to Areebah Haider, GHBA’s Government Affairs intern from the University of Houston’s Hobby School, who visited with attendees and passed out construction careers information.

About the Author

Morgan Peters

GHBA Communications Director
