Interested in joining PWB? Join us for PWB Signing Day on December 16 to be part of the inaugural PWB Council! Register at
In September, the GHBA board unanimously approved work on creation of a new council for members to join. The Professional Women in Building Council (PWB) will be a local council that ties into the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) PWB Council. NAHB explains, “the NAHB PWB is the voice of women in the building industry, dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members at the local, state and national levels.”
With that board approval, staff and members can begin the work of creating a budget, bylaws and leadership for the council. GHBA’s PWB Council will officially open for membership in January of 2022.
Membership in the council will be an add-on for each GHBA member who wishes to participate, as it is for our other councils. Four events will be held in 2022. Attendance and sponsorship will be open only to members of the council. Topics and activities will focus on priorities of the PWB leadership.
An interest meeting will be held the week of NAHB’s conference in Houston this month, to allow local members to meet with some of the members involved at the national level. More information and an opportunity to register for this meeting are available on the GHBA website.
Local dues of $100 will include the $50 dues that go to NAHB, so that local members will automatically be part of the national council and receive benefits, resources and services associated with that membership.
NAHB benefits include: subscription to the annual “Building Women” publication; access to scholarship awards, grants and awards programs (including the NAHB PWB Member of the Year Award); invitations to connect at face-to-face and virtual events with peers from around the country, like the NAHB PWB Headquarters at the International Builders’ Show (IBS); invitation to participate in Professional Women in Building Week in September; and invitation to the Women in Residential Construction Conference (WIRC). Online communities for PWB members on Facebook and other social platforms are also available to join.
More details on the NAHB PWB Council can be found at
The Texas Association of Builders has also recently started a council at the state level. It is free to join, and meetings are held in conjunction with most state board meetings.
If you would like to be included in distributions for the new PWB Council, please contact Donna at We look forward to continuing to create opportunities for communities of residential construction professionals to gather at GHBA.