2020 SPIKES of the Year Honored
Member-to-member recruitment and retention efforts are the largest source of growth for the association. The GHBA’s ‘Spikes’ are the membership leaders building the voice, power and influence of our industry. On every level, spikes bring grassroots growth and stability, which further develop the general membership and leadership pipeline.

Each year the GHBA honors its top recruiters. There was a tie for the 2020 ‘New Member Spike’ of the Year award between Terry Nesch with TONER Home Matters and Debbie Page with 1st Infiniti Enterprises, Inc/1st Texas Fire Protection. Each had 15 new member spikes.
For the fifth year in a row, Debbie Page was also the ‘Retention Spike of the Year’ with 30 retention credits.
Terry Nesch has been a member for close to five years and was also the ‘New Member Spike of the Year’ in 2018. She is currently serving as the 2021 Membership Committee chair.

Debbie Page has been a member for 24 years and served as the Retention Committee chair in 2019 and 2020. Over the years, Debbie has accumulated nearly 500 new member and retention spike credits. What an achievement!
Congratulations to these wonderful ladies! You are truly GHBA’s member champions, and we appreciate you, our ambassadors, and leaders who want to see our association and industry strengthen and grow.
Our members are the lifeblood of the GHBA and peer-to-peer recruiting is key to strengthening the home building industry. Thank you to all of our Spikes for your tireless efforts to grow your association.