Legislative Rally Day 2019

Make Your Voice Heard at Rally Day


Legislative Rally Day 2019

March 20 in Austin, Texas
Cost: $55
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 1

Rally Day is an advocacy event hosted at the Texas State Capitol in Austin. It is a valuable opportunity for association members to talk with local legislators and key policy staff face-to-face. Briefing materials will be provided on legislative issues and pending legislation that is important to the Texas residential construction, remodeling and development industry.

The day’s events include a welcome ceremony with a keynote speaker, scheduled meetings with our local legislators and a GHBA-provided lunch with delegation members. Rally Day is conducted every other year when the Texas Legislature is in session.


After you register for Rally Day, you will be assigned to a team with a team captain. On the morning of Rally Day, you will be given your team assignment so that you can identify you team members either on the bus or once in Austin. You’ll also be given background information on our state legislators, a map of the Capitol, talking points for your meetings and background information on legislation and issues on which you and your team will brief our delegation members.

Your participation in meetings with the GHBA delegation is critical. They need to hear directly from you on issues affecting your business and our industry in their districts and throughout the state.

This event won’t take place again until 2021, so don’t miss it. Register at ghba.org/rally-day or email Caroline Conte.
