homeaid heroes

HomeAid Heroes Honored at Mid-Year Forecast Luncheon

Terry SwensonCharity Projects, HomeAid Houston, Member News

homeaid heroesDozens of HomeAid Heroes were honored before a crowd of nearly 750 attendees at the May Greater Houston Builders Association GHBA Mid-Year Forecast Luncheon. HomeAid Heroes is a program that offers builders, developers, remodelers, mortgage companies, title companies and trades an opportunity to give to HomeAid by donating a pre-set amount per transaction, whether it’s the sale of a home, a lot, a window or the closing of a mortgage.

“These companies and individuals who make generous contributions are our HomeAid Heroes,” explained Lisa Clark, HomeAid board member and longtime Hero. “They continue to raise the bar throughout the industry with their unwavering commitment and support to better the community.”

These funds will help HomeAid with its mission “to build new lives for homeless families and individuals through housing and community outreach.” The honorees were presented with an appreciation plaque.
The HomeAid Hero Program has grown rapidly since it began just four years ago from two Heroes to the current list of 24 companies and individuals. The funds are allocated to HomeAid construction projects and for smaller HomeAid Care projects.


“HomeAid was proud to honor these generous companies and individuals before their industry peers,” said Cindy Hinson, president of HomeAid Houston. “It is inspiring to see the growing list of Heroes throughout the past four years.”

Thank you to our HomeAid Heroes!

2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
Andy Taylor, Realtor
ASID Texas Gulf Coast Chapter
Brighton Homes
Builders Post-Tension
Century Communities, Inc.
Chesmar Homes
Concept Engineers, Inc.
DataSmart/Duncan Security
Eklektik Interiors
Greymark Construction
Homes by David Powers
Long Lake Ltd
Loyd Russell Homes
M Street Homes
Mainland Stoneworks
Newmark Homes
Ryko Development
Taylor Morrison | Darling Homes
Trendmaker Homes
Winfrey Design Build
About the Author

Terry Swenson


A writer and a photographer, Terry Swenson is GHBA's director of public relations.
