The Custom Builders luncheon in June 2016 was a packed house as Ken Maas and Jason Rice of StrucSure Home Warranty along with Karl Breckon with Tri-Tech/Bec-Lin Engineering and Toner Kersting of Snyder Energy discussed the most common warranty issues and how to best avoid them. The panel explored issues ranging from roof to foundation and how to determine whether the issue was a result of negligence.
Architectural and structural distress in residential and other low-rise buildings in areas of Texas having expansive soils is a common occurrence and may be the result of differential foundation movement. However, not all distress results from foundation movement. Breckon provided custom builders with follow up information outlining possible reasons for distress along with repair recommendations.
Distress Phenomena Often Mistakenly Attributed to Foundation Movement [Download PDF]
Checklist Flyer: A guide of common items and practices that need to be done properly to avoid damaging a foundation [Download PDF]
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