The GHBA has been invited to participate in the upcoming Planning Commission Committee on Platting
Standards. This committee will have two primary responsibilities:
- Consider and make recommendations on potential changes to the planning standards of Chapter 42 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and related sections in other chapters of the code
- Consider and make recommendations on establishing a predictable process for regularly reviewing and making revisions to development codes administrated by the Planning & Development Department and under the purview of the Planning Commission
The committee will begin meeting in January and is expected to meet roughly once a month throughout 2017.
The GHBA has a history of working with the City of Houston on development ordinances and amendments, including major revisions in 2013 to Chapter 42, the City’s land development ordinance. These amendments led to the expansion of greater single-family home density throughout the city limits, while also providing neighborhoods with a pathway to institute minimum lot size and minimum building line (setback) requirements.