Every year GHBA honors six members for their outstanding work and service to the community and to the Association throughout the year. A team of judges who are the last winners of each of these awards, along with the GHBA president and CEO, convene to discuss the candidates and choose the next recipient for each of the awards.
These members are typically honored at the GHBA Installation Celebration held in January. Unfortunately, this year due to social distancing, we could not celebrate these award winners in person. We are honored to announce the 2021 Of the Year Award honorees virtually.
Bud Inscho – Associate of the Year: Pat Wilson, Legends Architectural Stone

Pat has long been a fixture at the GHBA as both a sponsor and an active member. Pat has held several positions including the 2020 Associate Council president and Montgomery County division board member for the past two years. He also co-chairs the annual Adopt-A-Family Project, taking on the role as Santa Claus for several years running. Legends Architectural Stone is a GHBA Diamond Partner.
Custom Builder of the Year: Jason Gustafson, CGP, CGB, Winshire Green, LLC

Jason Gustafson has exemplified the very best of GHBA custom builders through his dedication to the Custom Builders Council as a long-time member, and most notably in 2020, as the chair where he maintained a steadfast presence and positive influence through the uncertainties the custom home industry faced because of COVID-19. He is also an active supporter of the GHBA Government Affairs Committee through his involvement and attendance at the City of Houston Planning and Permitting Department meetings and contributions as a HOME-PAC trustee.
Developer of the Year: Travis Stone, Airia Development Company

Travis Stone is a long-time member and supporter of the GHBA. His company Airia is a GHBA Diamond Partner. He is an experienced developer in Montgomery and Fort Bend counties, has served on Fort Bend County-related taskforces, has been involved with political advocacy through the GHBA Government Affairs Committee, and is a pioneer in residential land development specializing in master planned communities. Travis is also a regular attendee at the monthly MCBDD meetings.
Volume Builder of the Year: Empire Communities

Led by James Miller, Empire Communities has been a huge supporter of both the GHBA and HomeAid Houston, a GHBA 501(c)3 charity. Empire stepped up to the plate to take on the construction of an 8,100 sq. ft. cottage in 2019 and 2020 for Boys and Girls Country in Hockley, Texas. This cottage is home to eight boys who have come from families in crisis. The Cottage is designed to instill security, warmth and a nurturing environment for as long as the children need a safe haven, many times through high school. James Miller has also served on the HomeAid ladder and is the 2021 HomeAid Houston board president. Empire Communities is a highly respected builder whose team members provide invaluable services to the association and the community.
Young Professional of the Year: Ericka Hill of Ravenna Homes, LLC

Ericka Hill has shown her dedication and commitment to GHBA through her involvement with several councils and committees, such as the Volume Builders Committee, and with HomeAid Houston by attending and supporting events and fundraisers. She was the 2020 Bay Area Builders Association (BABA) president and has also carried that position into 2021. Her enthusiasm and commitment to the GHBA continues to set an example for other young professional GHBA members.
Remodeler of the Year: Will Cole, CAPS, CGR, Divine Renovation

Will Cole’s outstanding work and reputation, as well as his leadership as president of the Remodelers Council, has been a testament to his professionalism and his dedication to the homebuilding and remodeling industries. Will has taken a leading role in several charity projects including renovation work for two HomeAid Houston projects, Lydia’s Place that included eight apartment remodels, and SEARCH’s House of Tiny Treasures offices. He was also involved in the annual Garage Sale and Home Show.
Congratulations to all of GHBA’s “Of the Year” Award Winners. GHBA is truly grateful for your contributions to the association and the local homebuilding industry.