The candidates endorsed by GHBA’s HOME-PAC had an excellent showing on election night. Our mayoral candidate, Senator John Whitmire, will head into a runoff with Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee. On election night, Whitmire garnered 42.5% of the vote to Jackson Lee’s 35.6%.
The race is still not over, and our candidates need your support! Early voting runs from Nov 27 to Dec 5. And Saturday, December 9 is the run-off election.
Eight candidates endorsed by HOME-PAC outright won their races on election night, including:
District A: Amy Peck
District B: Tarsha Jackson
District C: Abbie Kamin
District F: Tiffany Thomas
District I: Joaquin Martinez
District J: Ed Pollard
District K: Martha Castex-Tatum
At Large 5: Sallie Alcorn
HOME-PAC Endorsed Candidates headed to competitive run-offs include:
District D: Carolyn Evans-Shabazz
District G: Mary Nan Huffman
District H: Mario Castillo
At Large 2: Nick Hellyar
At Large 3: Twila Carter
At Large 4: Letitia Plummer
After the general election, HOME-PAC has made some additional endorsements in the run-off, including:
Controller: Chris Hollins
At Large 1: Melanie Miles
Each election cycle, GHBA’s HOME-PAC Trustees come together to evaluate and endorse candidates across our region they have identified as friends to the homebuilding industry. This list of endorsements highlights those candidates and can help you identify candidates with a pro-housing history! Print it out, and bring it with you to the polls.