City of Houston to Require Floodplain Identification on General Plans

Bradley PepperAdvocacy, Codes, Custom Builders, Featured

Starting on July 24, 2020, the City of Houston Planning Department will require that the 100-year, 500-year floodplains and floodway be identified on all general plans submitted to the department with the Plat Tracker application. Applicants will be required to graphically depict the location of the floodplains and or floodway on their general plans and provide related note.This information must be provided as part of initial submittal of a general plan for Planning Commission consideration. The general plan application will be marked incomplete if this information is not included as part of the initial submittal.

To depict this information correctly go to the FEMA website. Enter the address, place, or coordinates. The site will produce a map that will identify whether the property is located in the 100-year, 500-year flood plains or floodway. Provide a dashed line on your general plan identifying the 100-year, 500-year flood plains or floodway as depicted on the FEMA map.
Also, include on the face of the general plan the following related note as follows: Portions of the property included in this General Plan lie within the known floodway and the 100 and 500-year floodplains. As each section or parcel is platted and developed, the then-current standards of City of Houston [or if ETJ: Harris County] drainage, elevation, and building regulations must be adhered to.

For additional information go to the Development Services webpage or contact Dipti Mathur at 832-393-6560.


About the Author

Bradley Pepper

Government Affairs Director Greater Houston Builders Association (GHBA)
