Diane Schmidt, DECOR Builders Hardware, mans the phones at the 2018 GHBA Membership Drive.
Your GHBA recently set a record for membership, exceeding 1,700 member companies in the first quarter. The association hasn’t been at this number since 2008!
The membership roster swelled to 1,739 after May 10, 2018 as a result of the Membership Drive and our members’ diligence. Congratulations to everyone who participated or helped, especially D’Ann Brown, our wonderful Membership Committee chair, and Greg Tomlinson and Chris Hawkins, who provided delicious barbeque throughout the day!
Houston (SMSA) is the fifth largest in the nation. Houston is the second largest in the construction of new homes in the U.S. The GHBA is the fourth largest home builders association (HBA) in the nation. Interestingly, the three larger HBAs are not ahead of Houston in population or new home construction.
What are the top 10 reasons that a large, well supported GHBA is important?
10. A Strong Voice: Numbers equal political clout important to our industry to affect change. The more people (constituents) who belong to the GHBA the more voting power we have for local, state, and national elections.
9. A Strong Source of Funds: There are more funds to hire staff to work on issues important to our industry, again to defend the industry against onerous regulations or to improve regulations by increasing efficiency.
8. Critical News and Information: With a greater staff, the GHBA is in a better position to disseminate information important and critical to its members.
7. Valuable Networking Opportunities: Whether you are a builder, a developer, or an associate, you have an unprecedented opportunity to meet people and companies with whom you can transact business that hopefully will prove to be mutually beneficial and successful.
6. Educational Programs: You have access to cutting edge and rewarding educational programs.
5. Access to NAHB Advisors: You can gain access to the NAHB’s professional advisors in economics, legal, tax, or regulations.
4. Exposure to the Latest Building Products and Services: Access is provided to the latest vendors through the NAHB’s International Builders Show, TAB’s Sunbelt Builders Show, and most importantly, GHBA’s Product Expo.
3. Professional Recognition: You can gain increased status in our market and industry by belonging to and participating in one of the GHBA’s many committees.
2. Part of a Larger Team: You will be part of the NAHB, which represents over 140,000 members, and TAB, which represents 27 local home builder associations across the state.
1. Bonus Reason – Community Outreach: We are members of a very charitable and generous industry and GHBA serves as the conduit for members to give back to the community, whether it is through HomeAid, Operation Finally Home, BuildAid, the RMC Garage Sale, CBC charity projects or the 38 year old charity fundraiser, the Benefit Homes Project. The GHBA enables you to participate in what the industry does best—build homes or shelters for the less fortunate.
This great list provides compelling reasons for our membership to increase to 1,800 members in 2018. We have seven months to go. I’d like to challenge each member to recruit one new member in the next 60 days. Have a contest in your office. Challenge a friend. Let’s blow the roof off this record. Let’s raise the bar—really high.
P.S. Anyone who brings in five new members between now and September 30 is invited to lunch with the GHBA president, the GHBA CEO, and three others of their choice at Steamboat Steakhouse.