

Do Economic Recoveries Die of Old Age?

Elliott EisenbergEconomy

The U.S. economy is clearly slowing. After adjusting for inflation, GDP grew by 2.9% in 2018, and by an even better 3.1% in 19Q1. But growth slowed to just 2% in 19Q2, is expected to …

What Will Cause the Next Recession?

Elliott EisenbergEconomy

The Great Recession of 2008 is firmly in the rearview mirror. We are now enjoying the longest recovery in U.S. history, the unemployment rate is near a 50-year low, wage growth is pretty good, inflation …


China is Slowing and it’s Their Fault

Elliott EisenbergEconomy

Over the last several years, the economic data coming out of China has not been particularly good. GDP growth in 19Q2 was 6.2%, a three-decade low. While the Chinese publicly say that the trade war …

Modern Monetary Theory is Voodoo Economics Redux

Elliott EisenbergEconomy

There is currently widespread frustration with the performance of the global economy. Traditional policy approaches are not delivering the economic results they have in the past. In the U.S., Millennials are poorer, have lower incomes, marry …

wage growth coins on dolly

Why is Wage Growth So Lousy

Elliott EisenbergEconomy

While the most recent jobs report showed the unemployment rate at 4.0% — the lowest rate in almost 50 years — it also showed annual wage gains running at just 3.2%. While that is the …
