An Open Letter on Coronavirus Safety from GHBA President Rob Hellyer

Rob HellyerCovid-19, Featured, President's Message, Safety

GHBA Members: 

Thank you for your dedication to building and remodeling our region’s homes and for your steadfast commitment to jobsite safety during this unprecedented time.  

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted local housing affordability challenges and has demonstrated that the need for new housing is more important now than ever. GHBA and TAB have worked very hard to have residential construction designated as “essential infrastructure workforce” at the state and local levels in order to allow our industry to continue building and remodeling homes.  


However, none of this should be at the expense of safety. Fortunately, the safety measures taken by home builders and remodelers have allowed our workers to stay on the job without jeopardizing their safety.  

As we witness spikes in the spread of COVID-19 locally and around the state, it is time to recommit our efforts to implement and maintain jobsite safety measures.  

We all know the basics: maintain a distance of at least six feet, wear face coverings and wash your hands frequently.  

For those of us in construction, we must take additional precautions, like avoiding the sharing of tools, properly disinfecting equipment that must be handled by others, using individual water containers rather than shared ones like water coolers, and minimizing the total number of workers on a site at any one time. These simple steps can help stop the virus from spreading.  

Additionally, NAHB, in collaboration with the Construction Industry Safety Coalition, developed a comprehensive Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Plan for Construction that outlines the steps every employer and employee should take to reduce the risk of exposure to and transmission of COVID-19. For more information, visit

Thank you for continuing to put the health and safety of your fellow workers and community members first. Together, we can lead the way out of the crisis and lift our economy back on its feet as we work to provide safe, affordable housing.

Rob Hellyer, CGR, GMB, CAPS
GHBA President

About the Author

Rob Hellyer

2020 GHBA Board President Rob Hellyer, CGR, GMB, CAPS, is a local remodeler and president of Premier Remodeling & Construction, LP.
