Meet Cody Miller, GHBA’s director of government affairs. Cody joined the GHBA team in June and began his tenure by traveling to Washington D.C. for the National Association of Home Builders’ Legislative Conference, along with several GHBA members. GHBA CEO, Aimee Bertrand sat down with Cody to help you learn more about him.
Aimee Bertrand (AB): Where did you grow up?
Cody Miller (CM): I grew up right down the road from the GHBA office. I lived and grew up in northwest Harris County and went to Cypress Creek High School. I am a University of Houston graduate, so I am a Houstonian through and through.
AB: Tell us about your work before joining GHBA. What projects are you particularly proud of?
CM: I spent the last four years working for a public affairs firm, mainly alongside Harris County agencies such as the Harris County Flood Control District, the Harris County Engineering Department, and the Harris County Toll Road Authority. Before that, I worked for a couple of City of Houston council members. The project that I am most proud of is one that I undertook with the Harris County Flood Control District after the passage of the 2018 reconstruction and flood mitigation bond. My team led the efforts to communicate about and gain support for important flood mitigation projects from residents, stakeholders, and elected officials across Harris County. We really helped position the organization regionally and nationally as an entity at the forefront of reducing flood risk.
AB: Do you have a favorite memory from childhood?
CM: My family always went on a vacation with family friends to Pensacola, Florida. We have done that every year for the last almost 30 years. There are too many good memories from that trip.
Growing up, my parents would take me and my sister to Home Depot when they hosted their kid workshops once a month. We would build bird houses and flowerpots. I also took a woodshop class in junior high, and I remember making a cutting board and some frames.
AB: What made you decide to come to work for GHBA?
CM: I have always been intrigued by association work from an internship I had in college with the Houston Apartment Association. I have always been fascinated by the role that government plays in every facet of our lives, and this opportunity has given me a chance to combine my passions.
AB: What events or projects are you looking forward to working on with the GHBA Team and why?
CM: I am excited to support HOME-PAC and be involved in the campaign and endorsement world. I am also excited to support the Developers Council and Government Affairs Committee and start working on the issues that are affecting our members.
AB: Do you have any pets?
CM: I do! I have two dogs, Ella and Dash. Ella was my wife’s dog when we were dating, and Dash was our Covid-19 dog that showed up at our door one day. They are best pals.
AB: What do you do when you are away from the office?
CM: I have two small kids that keep me and my wife busy! But apart from them, I love to run, bake sourdough bread and play disc golf. I used to hold the Guiness World Record for the most disc golf holes played in 24 hours. I have the certificate up in my office!
AB: What is your go-to restaurant recommendation for guests from out-of-town?
CM: My favorite Houston restaurant is Studewood Cantine in the Heights. Though I am a big burger guy and recently had Burger Bodega, it really felt like a life-changing eating experience. Incredible.
We are thrilled to have Cody as part of TEAM GHBA and working hard on behalf of our members. Please stop by and visit Cody in the Government Affairs office, where you can see that Guiness World Record certificate for yourself!