Make a Resolution to Build Your Business with GHBA in 2025!

Aimee BertrandFeatured, Member News

At GHBA, we believe that fostering relationships and professionalism in the residential construction industry is central to the work we do on your behalf. Our councils, committees, divisions, and staff are hard at work, making sure we get back to a full calendar of classes, programs, and events to bring our industry together. Time and again, our members tell me that they always get more than they give when they participate in GHBA.

I hope that in 2025, you’ll consider making a resolution to become involved in GHBA in a way that supports your business and your professional growth. In case you are unsure where to start, I’ve compiled a brief refresher on some of our most popular GHBA groups and a few new offerings for 2025! If you are interested in getting involved, just contact a staff liaison or reach out to our membership department to help you find the right fit for your business.

Ambassador/Membership and Retention Committees – Looking for an opportunity to both network and receive recognition? Join the Membership Committee! The committee focuses on locating and recruiting prospective members. The Ambassadors Committee focuses on welcoming all new GHBA members to the association, often serving as greeters at Council and Division luncheons! The Retention Committee works to keep memberships from lapsing and ensure that members are receiving the full benefits of their membership in GHBA. These committees are a great way to meet and network with lots of members.


Associate Council – The Associate Council hosts near-monthly luncheons (typically on the first Thursday of the month) and events to support relationship building between associate and builder members of GHBA. The Associate Council is made up of vendors, suppliers, trades, Realtors™, mortgage lenders, and more. 

Bay Area Builders Association – If you do business in the coastal region south of Houston, it’s essential you get involved with BABA! BABA works closely with local city officials to ensure new laws and regulations are not detrimental to the building industry and keeps its members informed of important updates. They also host quarterly lunch meetings, an annual crawfish boil and the annual fishing tournament. NEW THIS YEAR – Chambers County is now in GHBA’s service territory.  Special outreach will be made to include members working in Chambers County at upcoming BABA events and meetings.

Community Developers Council – Membership in this council is open to any developer member of the GHBA. Members in related fields, such as engineering and land planning, may also find the council meetings useful. The council is active at the state, municipal, and county levels monitoring legislation, regulations, and ordinances that affect the development community. The council is proactive in reviewing and offering input to various government entities on specific issues. They meet on the first Wednesday of most months at the GHBA office.  Attendance is free and open to GHBA members only!

Custom Builders Council* – The Custom Builders Council offers a forum to discuss the challenges faced by small volume builders while providing members with hands-on information they can incorporate in their everyday business activities. Issues and opportunities addressed include contract standardization, education programs, political updates, builder/Realtor™ relations, codes and standards, and cooperative purchasing.

Education Committee – The Education Committee focuses on GHBA’s educational seminars and series like the “ABCs of Homebuilding” and bringing in trainers and speakers to help improve local members’ professional education. In 2025, they are working to expand designations to help support our local builders, remodelers, and industry partners.

Government Affairs Committee – Together we work to protect our industry from over-regulation by monitoring codes, ordinances, and legislation that directly impacts the homebuilding industry, and by communicating directly with elected officials and policymakers. The committee works closely with the Texas Association of Builders (TAB) on state issues and has direct contact with the 42 state legislators in our area, as well as county and city officials. Although the program’s primary focus is at the state and local levels, the committee monitors and provides input on federal legislation and agency activity directly to our federal officials and through the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

HOME-PAC* – The political action committee of the Greater Houston Builders Association, is an essential part of GHBA’s advocacy program. HOME-PAC directs financial support of the homebuilding industry and is committed to protecting housing affordability and consumer choices. GHBA’s HOME-PAC empowers our members to help shape the political environment and elect candidates who will support our industry’s goal to provide Texans the opportunity to realize the dream of homeownership. Trustees and Sustaining Members are invited to join their elected officials at special events throughout the year at no additional cost.

Northern Counties Builders and Developers Division – If you do business north of I-10, particularly in Montgomery, Waller, Liberty and Northern Harris Counties, you won’t want to miss the near monthly events and meetings held by our Northern Counties Builders and Developers Division.  Programming includes business leaders, industry experts and elected officials whose decisions impact your business! Plus, the stellar networking with those in our Northern Counties just can’t be beat.

Professional Women in Building Council* – The Professional Women in Building Council is a community supportive of opportunity for women in our industry. Membership in the local PWB also includes membership in the National Association of Home Builders’ PWB Council. And, don’t let the name fool you! Men are welcome to join PWB, too. The council hosts mentorship opportunities, events and educational programs, including hands-on workshops to foster relationship-building among members.

Remodelers Council* – The GHBA Remodelers Council (RMC) is an organization of remodelers and industry associates. They are dedicated to the promotion of excellence and professionalism within the organization, and public awareness of the Remodelers Council. They achieve this through education, certification, and service to the membership, industry, and the community. Join RMC to attend informative monthly luncheons and networking events and stay on top of the issues impacting your business.

Sales and Marketing Council* – The SMC is committed to the education, motivation, and growth of its membership—those who represent the epitome of professionalism in the marketing, merchandising, and sales of new homes. The council consists of GHBA members who are dedicated to the professional sales or marketing-related disciplines of the industry, including new home sales and those who support the activity of new home sales. The SMC includes employees of home builders, developers, and associate members.

Volume Builders Issues Committee – NEW THIS YEAR  – The Volume Builders Committee will serve as more of a focus group for industry issues, providing a more robust voice for our small/large volume builders, and a way to communicate public policy and other initiatives to this group. Committee participation is limited to volume builders only.   The legacy Volume Builders Committee will continue to host its twice annual speed selling events as fundraisers for GHBA, as well.

Young Professionals Committee – The Young Professionals Committee is a group of emerging industry professionals. They typically get together for networking and educational programming two to four times a year.

Workforce Development Committee – GHBA’s newest committee remains focused on supporting the next generation of workers for our industry. Committee members help facilitate relationships with school districts, community colleges, and non-profits working to train students. In 2025, there will be expanded opportunities for committee members to speak to students in career and technical education programs and to advise educators on the skills that our industry needs.

This list does not include many working groups and subcommittees that help carry out important advocacy efforts, events, and community partnerships. Please check for the most up-to-date details on upcoming events and many more opportunities to get involved and serve.

*indicates that there may be an additional cost to join this group.

About the Author

Aimee Bertrand

Executive Vice President & CEO of the Greater Houston Builders Association (GHBA)
